“The CE mark designation and meaning” CE “
According to the responsible standardization institute CENELEC, CE stands for Conformité Européenne (French for “European conformity”). At the time of its introduction, however, CE was also the usual abbreviation for the European Community in four of the nine official languages at the time, and the mark was usually still called the EC mark in German official documents of that time, which is why it can also have its origin here.
Development and function
The affixing of the CE mark confirms that the product complies with the product-specific applicable European directives (since December 1, 2009, with the entry into force of the “Lisbon Treaty”: EU directives). The CE marking is not legally a seal of approval (quality mark), but rather documents compliance with the minimum legal requirements.
The CE marking is not legally a seal of approval (quality mark), but rather documents compliance with the minimum legal requirements.
EU directives define safety and health requirements as minimum requirements for numerous products, which must not be undercut. A product may only be placed on the market for the first time and put into operation for the first time if it complies with the basic requirements of all applicable EU directives and if a conformity assessment procedure has been carried out.
Important features of the CE marking
Products to which one or more of the EU directives apply due to their type or quality must be provided with the CE mark before they are first placed on the market or put into operation. All applicable guidelines must be observed.
Manufacturers of technical products check on their own responsibility which EU directives they have to apply during production.
The product may only be placed on the market and put into operation if it complies with the provisions of all currently applicable directives and provided the conformity assessment has been carried out in accordance with all applicable directives.
In addition to the CE marking, no other marks or quality seals are permitted that could call into question the statement made by the “CE”. (There are always discussions about the German GS mark, which in terms of content does not include the scope of the CE mark).
The CE mark confirms full compliance with the “basic (safety) requirements”, which are specifically defined in EU directives.
Exceptions to this rule only exist if special guidelines provide otherwise.
“The CE mark designation and meaning” CE “
According to the responsible standardization institute CENELEC, CE stands for Conformité Européenne (French for “European conformity”). At the time of its introduction, however, CE was also the usual abbreviation for the European Community in four of the nine official languages at the time, and the mark was usually still called the EC mark in German official documents of that time, which is why it can also have its origin here.
Development and function
The affixing of the CE mark confirms that the product complies with the product-specific applicable European directives (since December 1, 2009, with the entry into force of the “Lisbon Treaty”: EU directives). The CE marking is not legally a seal of approval (quality mark), but rather documents compliance with the minimum legal requirements.
The CE marking is not legally a seal of approval (quality mark), but rather documents compliance with the minimum legal requirements.
EU directives define safety and health requirements as minimum requirements for numerous products, which must not be undercut. A product may only be placed on the market for the first time and put into operation for the first time if it complies with the basic requirements of all applicable EU directives and if a conformity assessment procedure has been carried out.
Important features of the CE marking
Products to which one or more of the EU directives apply due to their type or quality must be provided with the CE mark before they are first placed on the market or put into operation. All applicable guidelines must be observed.
Manufacturers of technical products check on their own responsibility which EU directives they have to apply during production.
The product may only be placed on the market and put into operation if it complies with the provisions of all currently applicable directives and provided the conformity assessment has been carried out in accordance with all applicable directives.
In addition to the CE marking, no other marks or quality seals are permitted that could call into question the statement made by the “CE”. (There are always discussions about the German GS mark, which in terms of content does not include the scope of the CE mark).
The CE mark confirms full compliance with the “basic (safety) requirements”, which are specifically defined in EU directives.
Exceptions to this rule only exist if special guidelines provide otherwise.